Leeds City Square

Previous consultations contributions

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon


Mostly positive

almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to City Square? Please select all that apply to you.

• I travel through the area

• I work in the area

How often do you travel through or visit City Square?

• 1 or 2 days per week

How would you normally travel around City Square?

• Cycling

• Walking

• Taxi

• Bus

Why do you normally visit or travel through City Square?

• Work

• Leisure

• Restaurants, café bars

• Shopping

• Public transport

What do you think about our proposals for City Square?

Mostly positive

Please explain your answer in the space below:

Would love to have a high quality public space that is less congested.

Please explain your answers in the space below:

Walking and cycling improvements are very welcome; anything else is a bonus.

A: Walking

Very good

B: Cycling

Very good

C: Bus


D: Mobility scooter/wheelchair

I don't know

E: Motorcycle/powered scooter

I don't know

F: Car/van (as a driver/passenger)

I don't know

G: Taxi

I don't know

Please explain your answer in the space below:

I like the fact the cycling provision will connect into existing routes. The proposed routes could be more joined up and direct. Would be good to have more cycle storage.

What do you think about our proposals for cycling improvements?


What do you think of our proposals for pedestrian improvements?

Very good

Please explain your answer in the space below

Any improvements to journey time reliability are welcome.

What do you think of our proposals for bus improvements?


What do you think of our proposals for changes to traffic movements?

I don't know

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almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to City Square? Please select all that apply to you.

• Resident

How often do you travel through or visit City Square?

• At least once per year

How would you normally travel around City Square?

• Mobility scooter/wheelchair

• Car/van as a driver or passenger

Why do you normally visit or travel through City Square?

• Shopping

• Restaurants, café bars

What do you think about our proposals for City Square?


Please explain your answer in the space below:

Once again no consideration for people with mobility difficulties who need to park close to their destination

Please explain your answers in the space below:

Another part of the city I will no longer be able to visit. Disability discrimination.

A: Walking


B: Cycling


C: Bus

I don't know

D: Mobility scooter/wheelchair

Very poor

E: Motorcycle/powered scooter


F: Car/van (as a driver/passenger)

Very poor

G: Taxi

I don't know

Please explain your answer in the space below:

Cyclists feel they own the road and I think this is just another example of pandering to them

What do you think about our proposals for cycling improvements?

I don't know

Please explain your answer in the space below:

Okay for those who can walk but no consideration for those who need to drive and park close to their destination

What do you think of our proposals for pedestrian improvements?


Please provide us with any other comments or suggestions you have on the overall proposals using the space below

Please leave me access to City Square as I want to be able to take my grandchildren to see the statue of James Watt donated to the city by my great great grandfather over a hundred years ago.

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almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to City Square? Please select all that apply to you.

• Resident

How often do you travel through or visit City Square?

• At least once per fortnight

How would you normally travel around City Square?

• Car/van as a driver or passenger

Why do you normally visit or travel through City Square?

• Shopping

What do you think about our proposals for City Square?


Please explain your answer in the space below:

Waste of money and not achieve it any thing at all,

Please explain your answers in the space below:

Why fix if not broken

A: Walking


B: Cycling


C: Bus


D: Mobility scooter/wheelchair


E: Motorcycle/powered scooter


F: Car/van (as a driver/passenger)

Very poor

G: Taxi

Very poor

Please explain your answer in the space below:

This is certainly a waste of money and as usual LCC do not listen to many people

What do you think about our proposals for cycling improvements?

Very poor

What do you think of our proposals for pedestrian improvements?


Please explain your answer in the space below

Still be the same with busses missing

What do you think of our proposals for bus improvements?


What do you think of our proposals for changes to traffic movements?

Very poor

Please provide us with any other comments or suggestions you have on the overall proposals using the space below

A complete waste of money like all the schemes Leeds City Council seem to come up with these days. It is about time that LCC listen to residents, take in to account the thoughts of residents , not that they do listen, and do not keep messing around with thinks that work and restrict flow of traffic.

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almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to City Square? Please select all that apply to you.

• Resident

• Other

How often do you travel through or visit City Square?

• At least once per year

How would you normally travel around City Square?

• Walking

• Bus

• Taxi

Why do you normally visit or travel through City Square?

• Public transport

What do you think about our proposals for City Square?


Please explain your answer in the space below:

I like the concept and approve of the aim of removing through -traffic from City Square but am disappointed that nothing is proposed to improve the very poor provision for drop off and pick up at the station. Princes Square is totally inadequate for the purpose. Much more kerb space is required. Could this be provided on Wellington Street or Aire street ( with traffic able to turn right from the east end of Wellington street into Aire street?). Also access to/from the station from the eastern parts of Leeds will be off-putting

Please explain your answers in the space below:

See general comment.

A: Walking

Very good

B: Cycling

Very good

C: Bus


D: Mobility scooter/wheelchair

Very good

E: Motorcycle/powered scooter


F: Car/van (as a driver/passenger)


G: Taxi


What do you think about our proposals for cycling improvements?


What do you think of our proposals for pedestrian improvements?

Very good

Please explain your answer in the space below

In my experience, congestion in city square itself is not a major problem for buses. The main issue for bus users is rather the location of bus stops.

What do you think of our proposals for bus improvements?


Please explain your answer in the space below

As noted in my general comments, I like the overall concept but think that access to the station by car to drop -off or pick up passengers will remain poor and, for people whose journeys start or end to the east of Leeds city centre, will deteriorate. This will discourage people from using rail services and thus lead to additional car miles.

What do you think of our proposals for changes to traffic movements?


Please provide us with any other comments or suggestions you have on the overall proposals using the space below

There is a need for improved facilities for drop off and pick up at the station - particularly for more kerb space. I suggest that this might be provided on Wellington street and Aire street and that it would be useful to allow a right turn from the east end of Wellington street into Aire Street thus allowing a clockwise circulation via Thirsk Row, Wellington street and Aire street ( all of which could be one way).

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almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to City Square? Please select all that apply to you.

• Resident

How often do you travel through or visit City Square?

• Every day

How would you normally travel around City Square?

• Walking

• Cycling

Why do you normally visit or travel through City Square?

• Work

• Shopping

• Restaurants, café bars

• Leisure

• Public transport

What do you think about our proposals for City Square?


Please explain your answer in the space below:

"The Glade" design is fantastic. It looks very impressive, very mature and very high quality. The traffic proposals are a real mess though. The cycle lanes, while important, really need a re-think. As as cyclist, I wouldn't bother using these - I'd just use the road. They start and stop at random points with no clear connection and intersect with extremelly high pedestrian traffic areas. Not only that but the bright green is an eyesore, clashing with the bright red chosen for the dropped curb. I understand it's common to have increased contrast on the dropped curb surface but many cities manage to do this without using ghastly colours (see London). Generally otherwise the proposals are fine. I'm supportive of removing traffic from this area. The air quality on neville street is atrocious.

Please explain your answers in the space below:

I think these proposals, particularly the area around bishopgate street meeting city square are going to result in a very poor experience for cyclists, pedestrians and disabled people who all meet in a very tight space. If cyclists use the cycle lane going up bishopgate, I guarantee you'll see collisions with pedestrians given the large numbers who cross the road here heading to and from the station.

A: Walking


B: Cycling


C: Bus


D: Mobility scooter/wheelchair


E: Motorcycle/powered scooter


F: Car/van (as a driver/passenger)


G: Taxi


Please explain your answer in the space below:

The cycle lanes around city square are very poor. As a cyclist I'd rather ride on the road than risk pedestrian collisions on random bits of disjointed cycle path. I'd be really worried to use the cycle path around the end of bishopgate street where it intersects with the pedestrian area and gives pedestrians, wheelchair users, disabled/blind people very little room to navigate.

What do you think about our proposals for cycling improvements?

Very poor

Please explain your answer in the space below:

Generally the glade area is fantastic. I love the design, I love the layout and I think it'll make a massive improvement to making city square somewhere that the people of Leeds can spend time rather than it's current dirty, under-used state. As mentioned, the cycle lanes are my only real problem as I think they create a dangerous envrionment for pedestrians in their suggested form.

What do you think of our proposals for pedestrian improvements?


What do you think of our proposals for bus improvements?


Please explain your answer in the space below

I'm all in favour of removing traffic from the city centre as much as possible as a local resident who has to breathe the fumes and put up with traffic racing through.

What do you think of our proposals for changes to traffic movements?

Very good

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